Δευτέρα, Ιανουαρίου 29, 2007

Fractals and Chaos Theory

Απο τους κύριους εκφραστές και μέγιστος εργάτης στην απόδειξη της θεωρίας ο πολυβραβευθείς Μαθηματικός Dr. Benoit B. Mandelbrot .
Major Books and Papers:
B.B.Mandelbrot, The Fractal Geometry of Nature, W.H.Freeman and Company (NewYork),1982.
B.B.Mandelbrot, Fractals and Scaling in Finance: Discontinuity, Concentration, Risk, New York: Springer, 1997.
B.B.Mandelbrot, Multifractals and 1/f Noise : Wild Self-Affinity in Physics, New York: Springer, 1999.
B.B.Mandelbrot, Gaussian Self-Affinity & Fractals: Globality, the Earth, 1/f, & R/S, New York: Springer, 2002.
M. L. Frame & B.B.Mandelbrot, Fractals, Graphics and Mathematical Education, Washington DC: Mathematical Association of America & Cambridge UK: The University Press, 2002.
B.B.Mandelbrot, The variation of certain speculative prices. The Journal of Business of the University of Chicago: 36, 394-419. 1963.
B.B.Mandelbrot, Random walks, fire damage amount, and other Paretian risk phenomena,Operations Research 12, 582-585, 1964.
B.B.Mandelbrot, How long is the coast of Britain? Statistical self-similarity and fractional dimension, Science 155, 636-638, 1967.
B.B.Mandelbrot, Some noises with 1/f spectrum, a bridge between direct current and white noise, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 13, 289-298, 1967.
B.B.Mandelbrot, A population birth and mutation process, I: Explicit distribution for the number of mutants in an old culture of bacteria, Journal of Applied Probability 11, 437-444, 1974.
B.B.Mandelbrot, Intermittent turbulence in self-similar cascades; divergence of high moments and dimension of carrier, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 62, 331-358, 1974.
B.B.Mandelbrot, Stochastic models for the Earth's relief, the shape and the fractal dimension of the coastlines, and the number-area rule of islands, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 72, 3825-3828, 1975.
B.B.Mandelbrot, Fractal aspects of the iteration of z →λ z(1-z) for complex λ and z, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 357, 249-259, 1980.

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